Monday, July 18, 2005

Iraq - Sorted!

So, I've just had the most fascinating chat with a cab driver!

I did my usual thing of being chatty, asking him if we was from Cyprus (well, he looked Cypriot!) and he said that no, he was from down-town Baghdad!

He then told me about his time at school with the Hussein boys (they sounded lovely!) and how he was so grateful to have left 15 years ago.

It was fascinating to get such a well balanced view from someone who's country appears to be in tatters - and at the hands of others. He was obviously sad to watch the carnage from the side-lines (he still has family there) although - interestingly - he was not at all angry with the USA or UK, rather just saying that whilst Saddam had had to go, that we had tried too much too soon.

He was particularly frustrated by the insurgence of political correctness, which has been totally abused by the natives.

He gave examples of how, in the good-old-bad-old days, if you were even suspected of stealing a car (for example) you would have had something chopped off; digit, limb or head, depending on how people were feeling.

Now of course that's not allowed, so crime has become a real issue.

I was particularly impressed by his response to my asking - if he were in charge - what the solution was from here. He said, obviously having given it a great deal of thought; "a benevolent dictator should be put back in charge". Someone with whom the buck stops. A decision maker. A kind, firm and fair dictatorship.


I can see how other countries around the world might benefit from this kind of leadership style. A move away from the committee.

I guess the real challenge with this as a remedy, is finding someone who would not become totally self-obsessed with this kind of power and authority.

Well, in the absence of any other candidates, I'd vote for my cabby!

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