Friday, July 15, 2005

Principalities and Powers

As I hear and see Muslim organisations all over the world condeming the recent attacks on London and after watching the various marks of respect shown yesterday, I have been interested to watch and hear remarks by several commentators and experts.

Apparently, these young men had no other options at their disposal because we - the public and government - had not done enough to answer their concerns about our foreign policy.


I can think of many people (including myself) that are not totally thrilled by all our international operations, and yet somehow I manage to find it in myself to not go out and blow people up.

To me it's clear. That no matter how it might look, this is not a battle of flesh and blood; between people, but of principalities and powers; this is spiritual warfare.

Trying to find any physical or emotional logic in this - or any - atrocity (prior of future) will result only in unsatisfactory intellectual debate. There is no logic here.

And discussion around additional security measures are largely impotent.

We have to be wise - yes, and vigilant - yes, but it is impossible to stop these kind of attacks altogether.

These are just symptoms.

There's a much deeper issue at the root here.

These guys had a clear instruction from their god in their kuran - a commandment no less - to "...strike off [unbelievers] heads..." 47:4

And so they did.

They believed that doing so would result in them entering their heaven as heros.

Which is a shame.

I know that so called "Christians" have inflicted significant collateral damage in the past. But here too, it's just been people - and their own bias - getting in the way of the true God.

No matter how people might have perverted God's word over the centuries, if you'll take the time to check it out, the message from the horses mouth (that would be Jesus) is clear; to believe, to forgive (and be forgiven) and to love.

Nothing about chopping off heads.

So, what's the prognosis? Well, it's gonna get much worse. It's nothing to do with foreign policy, or countries, or governments, or even people. It's a spiritual battle of principalities and powers.

And, what's the solution? Well, I pray for a real sense of discernment. That we the people - all people - will get a profound understanding of right and wrong.

Not just a head-knowledge, but a heart-knowledge.

And that this spiritual revalation, will cause a physical revolution; that we might start to cherish one another.

1 comment:

About Pension Linked Loans said...

alexoid says "To be honest I don't know if calling this a war is actually doing everyone a disservice. War adds a sense of definition (they and us), of legitimacy even. And this has neither."

And that's kinda my point...

These four guys had both a sense of legitimacy AND of definition.

We don't understand it, but their sence of purpose (definition and legitimacy in your words) was sufficiently developed to make them think that killing themselves was the answer.

It's a deception.

It's not a religious war.

It's a spiritual war.